Friday, May 1, 2009

The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living by Dalai Lama

Rating 2/5

the first book about Buddhism that I read was “an end to suffering” by Pankaj Mishra. I liked it very much and in my excitement I picked up this popular book by the Dalai Lama. I was disappointed.

I found much of his writing is similar to that of Deepak Chopra, I am surprised that people have not called his bluff yet. In his writing he does not seem to be the great person that he is made out to be in the media.

In the book, someone from the audience and asks “how to deal with suffering, great loss, loss of child”. To this the Dalai Lama offers vague, half baked solutions, shallow analysis “... idea of rebirth”, “ stop worrying because long-term worrying is harmful.” these fantasies solutions, with reward and punishment. They are not true insight into human suffering.